Monday, November 25, 2019

Thanksgiving Week - Monday

Goodness, I want to post, but my life is peaceful now and there is almost nothing to write about on a day to day basis. My big and exciting event today is that I will wash a weeks worth of clothing. A very fascinating topic indeed. Tomorrow I will clean some of the crevices and corners of the house that usually go undisturbed. Wednesday I will clean the rest and start to prep the meal. Then Thursday is the big day. Karen and I will spend the morning cooking. Really, what the house looks like isn't such a big deal since the only people who will be here are the same people who know what our house looks like anyway. But you know, we are GRITS and we must keep up appearances. Karen says that it will make everyone more comfortable regardless of the fact that they are very comfortable anyway.

Last year I wrote THIS  post explaining why I preferred to spend the holiday alone. I found it last night and it made me very sad. I was fine spending the day by myself, but the people coming over on Thursday give me a new perspective. I didn't want to celebrate the meal with others because the presumption was that everyone had to eat some of everything that is served. And my dietary restrictions made me feel like that was an overwhelming task. I still  have diabetes, hemochromatosis and gastroparesis. But if I pick and choose what I want to eat with this group it's fine. Almost everyone else will be too. So if my gut is acting up and I eat nothing but mashed potatoes and a parker roll no one will object. If my blood sugar is high and I eat nothing but a sliver of turkey and a few bites of cauliflower, that's fine too. If I'm feeling bold and eat until I'm sick, then shame on me, but no one will judge me. Everyone else will be choosing what in the meal appeals to them. It's just my job to make sure there is something there that everyone can enjoy.

In knitting news, I have been quite busy. I was into cabling for a week or two, and knitted a couple of headbands. But now I'm back to my recent fascination with color work. I am attempting my first true Fair Isle hat. I'm attempting to follow a graph instead of written instructions. And though the pattern is fairly simple, it has been a learning curve for me. I have to keep my amateurish attempt in perspective. The whole years that I was working, I dreamed of having the time to sit and learn to be truly good at what I do. Now I have to accept that my first attempts at techniques I haven't really tried before aren't going to be smooth and seamless. I will just have to be thankful that I finally have time to sit and learn the new things.

Happy Monday.


  1. your cables looks lovely. we do japanese, vietnamese, or indian on thursday; we go out to a local restaurant (not a chain).

  2. Hooray for a gathering which allows everyone to eat what they want/need.
    Love, and am awed by your cabling. Knitting is a mystery to me, a beautiful mystery.

  3. I've always wished for a meal just like you describe! Eat exactly what appeals to you and not what you can't eat! No judging!

  4. It's so great to be among those who understand you and won't criticize whatever you choose to eat or not eat. Happy Thanksgiving!
