Thursday, April 15, 2021

Just Say Something

Cheese is still with us, but barely. He is bone thin and shrinking by the day. His fur falls off in tufts and leaves bare spots on his skin. He is mostly lame, but manages to drag the back part of his body enough to eventually get where he wants to be. We carry him quite a bit when we can understand where it is he wants to go. One of the other cats is always nearby to defend him if need be. I am surprised at how loyal they are too each other. 

John from Going Gently said that his amazing success for blogging everyday is to just say something. Makes sense. This year, almost any subject I begin on quickly leads me to things that I cannot change. I'm not sure that his advise would be a good idea for me. 

I suppose I could write about my daily walks. Maybe the obligation would ensure that I actually take a daily walk. It is easy to talk myself into procrastinating that one. I did take one today, though I did not take many pictures. Even with beautiful weather and a perfect day, I was not feeling it. I did manage it. 

When I'm deciding on walks my inner teen wants to place the daily walk into the column of unnecessary societal obligations, when it actually belongs with the daily activities of healthy living, like eating something reasonably nutritious and brushing your teeth. 

I think I've rambled enough today to call this "Just saying something". Maybe someday I will have something worth saying.


  1. Poor Cheese. I am glad that the other cats and you are able to help him.

  2. I'm amazed that Cheese is still with you. And how cool that he has his protectors.
    I used to blog daily. For quite awhile I just haven't had a lot to share, not only is the world closed, or at least my part of it still, but my two autistic adults can't be blog fodder even though they're driving me nuts on occasion... it's also wonderful to have them here.

    Hang in there. Write when you feel like it. Don't when you don't. It's okay.

  3. dear sweet cheese; be kind to him. and stop to smell the blooming things.

  4. Bless Cheese and hopeful he will have an easy exit.

  5. Poor old Cheese. I'm glad he has a feline bodyguard too! I think a big part of John Gray's blogging success is that he notices the very small details of life and makes them the centre of his daily post. Life is all about the little things, after all!
