Friday, January 21, 2022

An Explanation, Sort Of...


My sister was watching a Tru-Crime type story on the television in the living room. It's what she watches now, because watching the news is bad for our mental health. I walked in the room to see the image of a mom and dad visiting a son in jail, being all supportive and encouraging. Then Karen told me that the son was in jail because he had laid in wait to murder his whole family. He killed his sister, but the parents came home together and he didn't think he could take them both on together. I was galled, and astonished. But then Karen compared the situation to a friend of ours who has a son in jail for murder. And I thought about another friend who was in a similar situation. Even though our friends children didn't try to kill them. I don't judge or condemn them for loving these people who did unthinkable wrong. 

So that's kind of it in a nutshell. I have noticed that I tend to spout off on a subject without giving it a full thought. It was terrible that parents should support the person who tried to kill them, and did kill their daughter. But it was reasonable for my friends to love their horribly errant sons. Who am I to judge anyway? It is this realization that has kept me quiet for a while on this blog, this and other issues. But I've gotten to where I don't want to express a view, because I am afraid that it is inherently flawed. So instead, I say nothing at all. 


  1. I knew a woman once whose teenage son killed his grandmother (her mother). Then when he got out of prison, he killed his girlfriend and went right back in. I worried about her own safety if he ever got out again.

  2. Your opinion is just that - and you are entitled to have them (no matter who or how many people disagree). I am not sure I could forgive murder, but that is me, and I haven't been tested on that one. Yet.
