Saturday, August 6, 2022

Perfect Summer Day

It’s late now. Being after midnight, I suppose that technically it is early. And it's also technically tomorrow. So, yesterday morning I woke up, showered, put a load of laundry into the wash and left to go on a walk. 

The weather was perfect, sunny and warm just enough with a nice breeze. I thought about taking the bus into Sumner to browse the shops. But I was still stinging a bit from the trip I took to the beach. It was fine, but I really didn’t plan anything. So I showed up and after a while I noticed I was the only single person on the boardwalk. Then I started feeling self conscious, as if other people were watching and thinking I was creepy for being there alone. So I left after about twenty minutes. Today I stayed close to home. I went to the park and then wandered around town for a while. 

The walk was good for me. I walked until I was completely caught up in the feeling of the moment. With the warm day and cool breeze, the bounty of summer around me I was reminded of a hundred lazy afternoons in the sun. 


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