Monday, May 6, 2019

Getting Packed

I packed up my cube today. Mostly because Ali was being a pain and I wanted an excuse to ignore her. I had done a bunch of cleaning earlier, so it wasn't too bad. I was able to get almost everything in 2 paper boxes. They will fit into storage easily. I had anticipated that I would have a lot more than that. I think I will find the same to be true when I pack to leave for Seattle. I have three large boxes to pack and ship as well as 2 large suitcases to be checked, a carry on bag, a back pack and 2 cpap machines to take with me. I look around at what I have left to pack and panic. But I really don't have all that much more to pack. I think the three large boxes to ship will be more than adequate if this mornings session is anything to judge by.


  1. WOW, now that's traveling light!! I'm impressed.

  2. You should see the amount of stuff my daughter brought back from uni, 2 car loads! You are doing very well. I hate packing.

  3. Happy landings! May it all go exceedingly well.

  4. It is odd how little we take from our jobs when we retire. Good thing we don't have to carry all the headaches out with us.
