Friday, May 24, 2019

Rules for the Road

One thing  that I have learned about myself from the past 5 years of living alone is that left to myself, I become lazy, slovenly and unkept. Sorry if that truth is too much to bear, but it the truth. I have spent entire weeklong vacations in my pajamas and without bathing. Armed with this self revelation I know that going forward I'm going to have to exert some self discipline and control. So I have decided that on this journey into retirement there has to be a code of conduct for the road.

1. I may not stay up all night piddling away the mid-night oil playing games on Facebook. Bed time is no later than mid-night.

2. My face must be washed and my teeth must be brushed before I go to bed.

3. I may not sleep the day away (See rule 1). I must be up and ready to go no later than 10:00 am every day regardless of having anywhere to go.

4. I must shower and brush my teeth every morning. Hair must be washed no less than twice a week.

5. I must change out of my bed clothes and into clean day clothes every day.

6. I must wear my compression sleeve.

7. I must make my bed every morning.

8. Breakfast must be made and eaten no later than noon every day. .

9. Dishes must be washed and put away at every meal.

10. I must accomplish at least one indoor chore every single day.

I know that these seem very basic. But as I said, I have a tendency to not expect much of myself when I don't have a reason to be presentable. It's shameful enough when it's for a short duration such as a holiday, but not at all an acceptable way to conduct myself on a daily basis.

Actually my rules are fairly lenient. I'd expect more out of a five year old.

So, I'm off to play.

Ta ta for now...


  1. TEN rules to START with! You sure are serious about this... I have children (and still a job) to keep me running around like a chicken, but I will try to remember your rules - I have a feeling I could use some ruling here too
    Can I add a ps? Please try to do at least one thing fun or creative every day too, you deserve it.

  2. I have been retired for a number of years now. Some of these rules I keep. Some I fail. Good luck.

  3. It's good to have structure and discipline!

  4. I guess recent conversations with my mom are coloring the way I look at this, but if you're retired and have no one to answer to, why not just do whatever the hell you want? My natural rhythm is to stay up late and sleep in, and if I weren't in a job that required me to get up early, I sure wouldn't.

    My mom is still listening to her parents who decreed that if you're not up at 6 and in bed by 9 or so that you're doing it wrong. If you sleep in, you're lazy. If you don't accomplish x, y and z during the day, you're useless.

    She's nearly 80 years old and still trying to please people who've been dead for decades. And seeing herself as a failure when she doesn't do things their way.

    I second what Jade said... do something fun or creative or something you consider decadent every damn day.

  5. I agree with you and Jade about doing something fun and creative everyday. I have an endless capacity to amuse myself that way and I don't worry about it. But when I allow myself to live without structure, I become depressed. So a little self discipline is a way to combat that spiral.

  6. Of course, washing dishes would count as an indoor chore.

  7. Those are good rules. Especially the teeth. When I used to work from home, I neglected dental hygiene shockingly. Now that we're retired, teeth must be brushed by noon, or else. Congratulations on retiring from your job.

  8. Maintaining discipline is a worthy goal.

  9. Hi Lisa!

    Something weird is going on again with your blog - I have the impression you have a new post that is invisible. There is a link on amimental's blog, but it arrives on an empty page here. Hope everything is ok wherever you are right now. Wishing you a lovely summer!
    Kind regards, Jade

    1. Thank you for the update. I will try to find out what is going on.

  10. Yeah, nothing new showing on your page. SOME of us would like to know how you're doing!!! :) Hope all is well.

  11. Do you think you will ever post again? Your blog is crying out for a new one. It's August already. We're waiting out here. Patiently, so far. I hope this is not farewell.
