Monday, January 13, 2020

Snowy Day

I am in my room with the lights off and only a few candles burning. The electricity is still on, but I don't want the light in the room to keep me from being able to see the beautifully peaceful scene outside my window. It started snowing in the late evening hours last night. I had tried to wait up to see it, but it got the better of me. I woke up to a snowscape that lasted only long enough for me to get my shower. Again I waited all day and then as soon as it got dark snow came back. We have had showers of it since 5:00 pm. The yard is covered once again. The forecast is for the showers to continue through the day tomorrow and take a break for the night. I've heard that more snow is expected on Wednesday.

The cats freaked out about it yesterday. They roamed the house crying to be held and given treats. All of our cats are rescued cats who either started out feral or cast off by someone. They don't like change and I think the weather made them feel vulnerable. Tonight they have all settled down, finding the warmest place they can and staying put there. They do not like the snow. On the other hand, the dog is loving it. He has been running outside all evening chasing snowflakes and then coming in to be toweled down until he is no longer cold. It is fun watching him play, but I am more like the cats than him. I am happy to stay in and watch from the vantage of a warm couch with a hot cup of tea in my hands.


  1. I so rarely see snow I suspect I would be more like the dog.
    I hope all of you (in your different ways) enjoy it.

    1. Hello. I have been concerned about you. We've been hearing about the wild fires burning in Australia. I hope you are in a safe place.

  2. I am a cat too when it comes to snow. stay safe.

  3. Enjoy the snow! But stay warm with the cats!
