Wednesday, April 22, 2020


This is Grumpy Cat. He doesn't live here.
It's been a hard day here. I knew it was going to be one when I woke up. I was making my morning pit stop and my brother was outside the door in the hall talking at me. I could hear him talking, but without hearing aids, I had no clue to what he was saying. Then he started knocking on the door. There are two really easy ways to put me in a rage. The first is bother me while I'm on the toilet. The second is to talk to me when I first get up. I'm not a morning person. I never have been. I spent years after my children moved out of the house not having to talk to a soul for hours after I got up, and I prefer it that way.

The City decided to wait until everyone is working from home and dependent on their own bathrooms to do maintenance on the sewer system. As a result they blew debris into our end of the pipes and clogged them. We have been trying to get them out to "fix" it for a week. Apparently they came by before I woke up and told my brother we shouldn't run water for a few hours.

Ken is on vacation this week. He has a few months of vacation backlogged. He finally decided this would be a good time to use some of it. But with the stay at home order, after one day he is finding himself bored and antsy. Karen wants him to clean his room so she can paint it. I don't think he wants it painted.

The real problem is Karen. She was in a mood. Instead of asking for what she needed, she snapped at us. If I was doing something in the kitchen, she needed to get to something in what ever cabinet that I was standing in front of. When I was vacuuming she stopped me to ask when I'd be done with it. She was doing the same kind of mess with Ken. We both finally went to our own rooms and closed the door. The message got across to her. She apologized to both of us.

I think that we are all beginning to feel the unsettledness of all this. We are less effected than most, as we all retain our incomes. But it is more than income, though I'm sure that there are many who aren't getting far beyond that part of it. There is wondering when we can see the people we love. What will be left when all this is over? What part of the economy are perennial weeds that will continue to flourish and what will be lost to us forever? We say that our lives turned on a dime after 9/11, but not like this.

We watched "Resistance" tonight together. The movie is intense  We didn't talk while it was on. It's a fantastic movie. Maybe just not what we needed tonight.


  1. sweet grumpy cat crossed the rainbow bridge last year.

    and I am like you - DO NOT talk to me in the morning before I've had coffee. I wake up slowly; to be bombarded with 100000 questions makes me wanna snap your head off and shove it up your ass.

  2. I think the world is unsettled - particularly because there is no end in sight.
    I AM a morning person - so long as I am on my own. Talking to the cat is as sociable as I can manage for a good few hours after I get up.
    Take care.

  3. Just me and my dogs, cats and guinea fowl.

  4. Too much togetherness is bound to get on anyone's nerves.

  5. We are kind of edgy here from time to time over the last few weeks. Most of the time we get along pretty well, which is why we've been together 41 years, I guess. He is a bit grumpier than usual, or at least that's my perception of it.

    I saw a meme last week about how now would be a REALLY good time to close the freeways for repairs instead of waiting until we're all back on 'em again. But that makes sense, so I doubt it will happen.

  6. I think it's an unsettling time for the world at the moment, with no end in sight. The worrying thing is when the lockdown ends we are still at risk of getting the virus. It's not going away any time soon. All we can do is pray for a cure or vaccine, soon!

    I personally, as a home bird anyway, am finding lockdown very similar to my normal life, which makes me think there's something wrong with my normal life.

  7. Being cooped up is not in human nature and that is probably why I am doing ok in a way. I can still get out and walk our rural roads or get my bicycle out and go...or even ride a mule.
    I could not however sit in the house all day and watch TV.
    I am very lucky but I see the world falling apart all around me.
