Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Life is a Hurricane


Have you seen any of the James Webb Telescope images? I have been enthralled by them, watching them at night before I go to bed. It's very calming. 

But it struck me that in it's natural state, all of life is a spiral. Nature uses them to grab our attention: tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, time. Ancient people drew them, lived in them, danced in them, built temples with them. 

And when I nearly died, I remember the tunnel that swirled with fog and twinkling lights. I remember the bright light in the center. 


  1. Those images are truly spectacular aren't they? And, as you say, calming.
    I am fascinated by your near death experience. Have you written about it before?

    1. I did. A long time ago. But I reverted everything before 2019 to draft. I might write about it again sometime.

  2. "The Sacred Spiral of Life" -- a powerful symbol and reality!
