Friday, June 9, 2023

Yesterday, A Political Rant

I saw this clip on YouTube yesterday. I am not at all endorsing Chris Christie. Honestly, I think that anything he says against the Trumps could just as easily be said about him. It didn't surprise me that they used to be friends. I doubt they still are. What surprises me is that he said it out loud, and in place where the MAGA crowd will be listening. I hope some of them will listen, and that some of them are my family. I wonder how many thousands of dollars my octogenarian aunts have wasted on these people. Not that it really is my concern, but it does make me angry that my aunt couldn't afford to have her air conditioner repaired because she sent a donation to build the wall. They live in Alabama. Air conditioning is essential.

I was going to write about this yesterday, but I wanted to run some errands and get out of the house for a but by the time I returned home the news had broken that Trump had been indicted. It's about time. 

So now we are going into another election cycle and it feels that we have been in one continually since 2015. Trump has been at the top of every news report since he floated down the fake gold escalator.


  1. Sadly he keeps coming up in the news and I guess it was an all day special report on the indictment. I read it. Unbelievable that we had a president with that kind of mind and disregard for our law.

  2. I live for the day when Dumald can be reunited with his first wife.

  3. He is big news over here too. I really hope that the case goes ahead. Evidence would seem to suggest that he is guiltier than sin.

  4. The more people who turn against Trump the better, that criminal con man and fascist.
