Saturday, June 1, 2024

Oh, The Difference a Year Makes

Almost a year ago I wrote my last post. It was about Trump being indicted. I doubt that it was the first indictment, but it was one of them. At the time I felt like it was too little too late, and while I was glad that the DOJ was doing something, I didn't expect it to come to much. And most of his indictments still may not. But wowser! Unanimous verdict, guilty on all counts.

I didn't expect justice to be served on this case. For what we knew, the case was about DJT committing adultery, sleeping with a porn star. I actually don't really care who he sleeps with. And really, who didn't know that he was prone to cheating on his wives. Does anyone really believe that Melania was surprised by it? And why on earth would he do it? I talked to those MAGA housewives after Access Hollywood. Those good Christian women said that God forgave DJT, so I should too. They didn't want to hear that DJT was a scumbag. Of course I knew that Michael Cohen went to jail, but it was for tax evasion or something to do with the Mueller investigation, or any one of a million points of chaos that was part of the Trump administration. 

And now I am left with a disdainful anger at the whole situation. And to be realistic about it, my contempt does nothing. I'm angry because now I understand the depravity that stole the election from Hillary Clinton, and the underbelly of audacity it takes to turn around and accuse others of stealing even a vote from him. And he did it with a rape... Is that characterization of it too harsh? No, I don't think so. When you can't say no, you can't consent. 

Of course I'm aware that the actual conviction wasn't for sleeping with (or raping) a young woman who works in the sex trade. It was for the crimes he committed when he tried to cover it up. And why? The story wouldn't have changed the minds of those MAGA minions back in the day. I really don't care what the polls at the time said. I lived in Georgia at the time. I went to church and worked with those women. They were my family. I talked to them. Believe me. DJT really could have committed murder on 5th Ave. and they wouldn't care. And DJT knew it too, he said so himself. But for whatever reason he chose to falsify business, election and tax records.

Now he is a convicted felon and we are to be put through the spectacle of having an inmate run for the highest office in this country. And the bottom line on this debacle is that there are some very rich men who want nothing other than to drain the coffers of the United States of America. And it is all being exposed by the rape of a porn star. Tell me that God doesn't have a since of humor, or that Karma isn't a bitch...

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope his conviction is the beginning of the end for him. He and his MAGA fanatics have damaged the USA enough.
