I got out for a walk. It really does help, and I need the help. It's just hard to get myself together to do it, though I usually and happy when I do.
Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Dylan Thomas
Monday, January 24, 2022
Frozen Fog
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Nothing New Under the Sun
The hat that I am working on has a doubled ribbing, that I figured out myself how to accomplish and staggered knitting and purling for the body of the hat. I want it to be roomy, so I started by casting on thirty or so more stitches than I normally do.
I was getting kind of antsy about the dimensions so I went to Ravelry to look at other similar hats. Doing that I found a pattern called Wurm by katushika that is almost identical to what I'm going for. I downloaded it, and read it. It is remarkably similar to what I'm doing. I will finish the hat, but will have to think of improvements and tweeks to make it a copywritable and saleable pattern. This is the problem I have been having. There really isn't anything new under the sun with a craft that has been around almost as long as it's been shining. How other people call a basic pattern theirs is kind of astonishing to me. This hat has some styling and techniques that can easily make it more amenable to calling the pattern hers. But still, without seeing her pattern first, I was doing a close copy of it.Cheese and the tree are still with us.
Life In These United States
I have started cooking meals for the animals. This isn't a first time for me, but the first time was a period of extreme emotional duress for me. This time is just a time of need.
My brother decided before I even moved here that manufactured dog food was poison for dogs. Please don't ask me to explain. He just did. Then my sister added an ever increasing list of vegetables and spices that dogs shouldn't have. Interestingly enough was that the list was almost identical to the list she doesn't care for. It didn't matter, the dog's diet got ever restricted. It had worked itself to balogna or peanut butter sandwiches. It was never my choice, until recently when came to a head. We had cooked porkchops on the grill (in the snow), and Bear attacked the plate coming in. He does not have either aggression or food insecurity issues, so this was a first for him. After a family counsel, it was decided that I can cook nutricious meals for him. My sister has decided that she can contribute a nutricious biscuit for a snack for him. It worked. He loves the meals, but the cats love it too. A good thing because cat food has disappeared off the shelves.
So, I am taking walks, cooking for animals and watching a cat die under the dead tree in my living room. With all the sarcasm of a recalcitrant teen, Life is Good...
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Lacking Patience for Fools
Friday, January 21, 2022
Back to It
I have been trying to ease myself back into daily walks. It has been difficult. The infection was bad and took a lot out of me. But ice was still on the sidewalks the first time I tried. I didn't get far, just to Main Street and back. I waited a few days and tried again. Even though the air temperature was spring like, the ground was still frozen. I got a little farther, but had to turn around because my feet were frozen and numb.
My walk today was the first time I felt myself getting stronger. The temperature is in the 40's and the ground is still extremely cold and wet. The walk was chillier than I expected it to be. But I persisted. I was helped along by the mood of the neighborhood. It's Friday afternoon, everyone is relaxing happily into the weekend. I could tell it in the playfulness of the teens who were getting out of the high school.
Today I felt stronger. Being outside the bubble of my house felt good. The forecast is for cold, but dry weather for the next week or so. Maybe I will be able to see the mountain.
An Explanation, Sort Of...
My sister was watching a Tru-Crime type story on the television in the living room. It's what she watches now, because watching the news is bad for our mental health. I walked in the room to see the image of a mom and dad visiting a son in jail, being all supportive and encouraging. Then Karen told me that the son was in jail because he had laid in wait to murder his whole family. He killed his sister, but the parents came home together and he didn't think he could take them both on together. I was galled, and astonished. But then Karen compared the situation to a friend of ours who has a son in jail for murder. And I thought about another friend who was in a similar situation. Even though our friends children didn't try to kill them. I don't judge or condemn them for loving these people who did unthinkable wrong.
So that's kind of it in a nutshell. I have noticed that I tend to spout off on a subject without giving it a full thought. It was terrible that parents should support the person who tried to kill them, and did kill their daughter. But it was reasonable for my friends to love their horribly errant sons. Who am I to judge anyway? It is this realization that has kept me quiet for a while on this blog, this and other issues. But I've gotten to where I don't want to express a view, because I am afraid that it is inherently flawed. So instead, I say nothing at all.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Hello Again...
Well now, it has been quite a winter so far. Though I can't say as much for the new year. Truth be told, it's beginning to ring in as a 2020 redux.
I spent the entire fall compulsively over-planning my great Christmas train trip. I watched every YouTube video I could find, scouring them for tips, anything really that would help me survive two long trips on very full trains. I got way too many tips, most of which involved purchasing brand specific items. Of course, they did offer helpful links "in the descriptions below" to allow me to order the item. They just get a pittance of a kickback for sending me to the site. I did finally downsize the list of hints into a workable packing plan. My research paid off, I did a fair job of packing for the train.
The train is not as glamorous as Amtrak ads would have you believe. They could improve this considerably if they could convince their employees that customer service is an important attribute. They tend to bark, yell and threaten instead of requesting firmly. They seemed to be of the opinion that it was the passenger's fault that they were overbooked, understaffed and understocked. Customer service snafu's were common, including and attendant with his mask hanging under his nose telling a passenger to put on a mask while the passenger was actively eating. (not me, but I did witness it.) All that being said, train travel on Amtrak Coach is better than air travel if for no other reason than to miss TSA checks. The seats are comfortable and roomy. There is a small amount of space to store travelling essentials. There are electrical outlets. Passengers are not confined to their seats, there are other cars to visit. The scenery was beautiful beyond my imagination. I actually had to keep telling myself that I was actually witnessing the outright majesty I was seeing. It. Was. Incredible. I am sold on it. I plan to travel on Amtrak, hopefully extensively this spring, summer and autumn. That is another point, train travel is incredibly cheap. I can afford a couple of trips across the country,Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Summer Round-Up
Saturday, June 19, 2021
This Old House...
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Anne Marie
The breast cancer support chat group that I was in used to have dedicated chats for the members we lost along the way. They were very cathartic for those of us who live in the shadow of recurrence. I can't imagine how something like that could work here. It just does seem we should mark her passing.