Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Counting Down The Hours

When I was graduating from high school, I had this absurd friend who kept a count of the hours until. I kind of found it irritating. But that's what I'm doing now. I have 23 business days until I retire. That is having subtracted all weekend days and vacation days that I have left. Multiply that by 8 and it's 184. Multiply it by my salary and it's blah blah blah that I'm not sharing with anyone. Believe me it's not a great deal more money that I'm capable of earning. As ready as I am to walk out the door, I'm terrified. But I really need to walk out the door.

I've already bought a plane ticket to go see Mollie. I will stay with her for a few days to help her move, then I have another ticket to go to Seattle. I bought them because I was sent an offer for great ticket prices. I don't fly very much and only once since 9/11. Plus I have the port and the defibrillator and hearing aids to go along with a bag full of medicine. I'm not sure what to expect. It's causing more anxiety than it should. I just want to be happy and excited about this. And I am, but still the unknown makes me feel edgy and uncertain.

I have a mammogram on Friday and will see my oncologist for the last time. I will say goodbye. And I will make one more appointment with my primary care doctor mostly just to say goodbye to him. I do not have doctors lined up in Washington, but that will all come as it will. I'm not going to fret about it.

My days here are coming to a close. I'm excited, and I'm terrified.


  1. I can't imagine. I know you'll be happy to take those final steps out the door of your work, though. Keep us posted.

  2. Both are understandable emotions! You're at a big transition point in your life. May everything go smoothly and well! Retirement certainly is the next big part of life, just like how "the real world" was after graduating from school. Embrace it with joy and anticipation! Best wishes to you!

  3. I would be excited and terrified too. I do hope that the excitement wins.

  4. I can understand your excitement and fear, I'd be the same. What's worth remembering is that things you fear are never as bad as you imagine they will be.
