Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Blustery Day

The weather has definitely changed, and I did not sleep well last night. So the blustery weather lulled me all day. I did nothing of use. Mainly I watched the rain outside my window and drank some ginger peach tea that I bought at Pike Place Market at the beginning of the summer.

The weather reminds me that I haven't gotten my flu shot this year. I mentioned it to my sister and she rather proudly told me that she and my brother never get one. If I have to sit through one more person telling me that lie story about the shot giving them the flu I think I'm going to scream. A dead virus did not give you a live infection, period. If nothing else, all those chemicals everyone goes on and on about should kill anything nasty lurking in the syringe. Give it up. Tell me why you really don't want the vaccine. Is it that you enjoy having the flu every year? Please just admit that you don't like being stuck with needles and we can both walk away from it with our pride intact. Tomorrow my task list includes finding a pharmacy that will give me the shot and returning the 7th season of "Game of Thrones to the library. I'm glad that I tested out my rain poncho. I will need it while I am out and about.

I will probably try to attend the Sit and Knit session at A Little Knitty, the yarn shop that I have been going on and on about. I have made friends with Jen, the owner and I think I'd like to give it another go. If for no other reason than to encourage the new found friendship. Hopefully I can find a few other friends while I'm there.

Speaking of friends, I've just received news that 2 more of my breast cancer support group friends have died. One from an apparent heart attack and the other from treatment related cancer.  Years ago I was close to both Kathy and Rosemarie. Though I lost contact with them, it still makes me sad. There are so few of us who remain from that group that held my hand while I went through treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're one of the survivors of your breast cancer group -- you beat the odds! And thanks for the reminder about the annual flu shot. I must get mine too when it's available.
