Tuesday, September 24, 2019

I Stand Corrected

After I read from everyone that they didn't think people could get colds from pets, I did the logical thing. I Googled it. Turns out, in fact people can't get colds from pets. Pets do get colds, but they aren't the same viruses that infect people.

This shows the kind of thinking I grew up with concerning health. With seven kids we were taught to cover our coughs and sneezes, wash our hands and not to share food or drink to prevent spreading whatever grunge that was going around. But we were also told a lot that can only add up to superstition. You know the kind of things like covering our ears in cold weather to prevent ear infections and not going outside in cold weather with wet hair to keep from getting colds and flus. If we did get sick, it had better be able to be cured with baby aspirin and gingerale, or we'd likely die from it. So as a result, my sister and I have some strange ideas about health. Disabusing myself from most of it has taken time. And as you can see, the process is ongoing. My apologies for spreading false information.


  1. Ha ha, we learned all those old wives' tales too! My fave is that sitting on cold cement will cause hemorrhoids.

  2. Not a problem. I learn all the time, and my learning frequently contradicts things I thought I knew.

  3. My mom still believes all those things, even though I constantly contradict here. Drives me nuts!
