Tuesday, September 10, 2019

It's Raining

It started raining on Saturday night with an unusual (I'm told) thunderstorm. It really was a magnificent storm. The weathermen are saying that it broke records for the number of lightning strikes. And the thunder was loud. My brother and I watched it from a covered patio. We had a long talk, and about more than distant memories. He can be such a goof ball that I forget that he really is a deep thinker. He has unique perspectives on things.

The rain has brought cool temperatures with it. Instead of the mid to high 80's that we had been experiencing, we are having temperatures in the 60's and low 70's. I am wearing a flannel shirt, and smile when I think of the 90 something degree heat I'd be in if I hadn't moved across the country. The calendar is telling me that it's time for fall and for once, the weather is cooperating.

I'm looking forward to the festivals that are coming up. The summer was filled with them. There was some kind of community event planned for every weekend. And not only in Auburn, but all the surrounding towns.

My sister got home from work yesterday and once again she started telling me about the crazy haunted antique store that she went to in a nearby town. We decided to go there so she could show it to me. She's right. The place is called The Whistle Stop Antiques and it definitely has a creepy feeling to it. Something about the store shouts at you "Don't come in here!" When you walk in. And it doesn't ever feel comfortable once you are walking around inside. I was only in there for a few minutes before I had to leave. Karen left with me, and unlike her, she didn't feel the need to make a purchase before she left. Nothing from that store needs to make it's way into our home.

We went down the street to a store that sold mainly kitchen items, fancy soaps and small curio items. Karen liked the Le Creuset dutch ovens until she saw the price on them. She was mollified when I told her that Pioneer Woman had a line that was maybe a tenth of the price and was just as pretty. I may get her one for Christmas. I bought some cookie cutters and a few soaps and we left.

On our way back to the car we passed a storefront that I found intriguing. It's called the Heritage Quest Research Library. Imagine if the genealogy room of your local library was as large as a Main Street store and also had charts and trained researchers available. This one was impressive. But the ladies there wouldn't let me peek at the books. I wasn't sure if any of them would help me. If the materials available are mainly for the local area, then they are no use to me. My brother and sister and I are anomalies here. The rest of the family is from the east coast. It is those records that I need to access. I signed their guest book and took some informational pamphlets about the library home with me. I found out by reading them that I could have paid $15 for a one day pass and used the library. I'm thinking of taking the Sounder back to the town and spend the day in there.

Before we left Karen wanted to get tea at a German bakery that she had frequented. But when we got to the place we found a notice that the owners had retired and closed the shop. Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that they wouldn't have sold the business before just closing it all together? Instead she said we could get something at a Russian bakery on the way home. Thinking that I was going to a tearoom, I was disappointed to find that the Russian Bakery is really a Russian grocery store with a large in-house bakery. Buying a honey cake and taking it home to have with my own tea was just not what I had in mind. I was disappointed. And that is not even to say that I've never really been a fan of Russian food. I cooked a roast when I got home and had an American supper rather than tea. Karen had tea with cheese and crackers. She doesn't really eat suppers, even if I make them vegetarian for her.

Now I need to get dressed and return some books to the Library. I've been reading Edward Rutherford's "New York" I enjoyed "London" and "The Princes of Ireland" but never really got into the story of this one. I may check it out again later when the nights come sooner and I am in more of a mood to read.

1 comment:

  1. Some places do carry an atmosphere - for good or like this one, for ill. I am so glad to hear that nothing from this shop is going to come home with you.
    Still jealous of your rain.
