Sunday, March 22, 2020

Aunt Edith Refuses to Isolate

Well, the animals are all making themselves comfortable for the duration of the isolation. But not all is well. I don't think my brother and sister are getting the idea. Both of them work in critical industries and therefore are still working. Considering that two of us have pensions and social security, I wonder at the fairness that we still have employment income when there are many who are just out of work. But the jobs were had, and needed before the crisis and will be after, so here we are. No good comes from questioning blessings I suppose. But the normalcy of their routines has them in a bit of complacency. It was normal to stop at the grocery stores on the way home from work to pick up this and that and they are continuing to do it. I look at it and think that it has to stop, maybe I should say something. There is nothing that we are out of at the moment that we have an overwhelming need to make a run to a most likely germ riddled store to obtain. Once a week might seem reasonable, once a month if we could do it, but not everyday. The work, grocery store, home routine needs to become the work, home routine. Saying that is one thing, but the implementing of it is another. They aren't willfully trying to be errant. In their minds, they are allowed to go to the grocery. Getting them to see that it's not a thing of can you go, but should you go is the issue.

So this morning I woke up to a message from a cousin to let me know that my aunt, who lives all the way across the country has "Refused to Isolate" herself. She and her other octogenarian friends are gathering in her home to watch the church service that is being broadcast via YouTube. What are you going to do? They are old ladies with DNR's who are choosing to storm the gates of Heaven I guess. It is likely that they will be refused treatment in a few weeks if they do manage to infect each other, according to the trajectory that this country is going in anyway. My cousin thinks that my brother, sister and I should join the outcry and tell Aunt Edith to isolate. Aunt Edith will tell us that she's old enough to do whatever the hell she wants. Mind our own business, thank you very much. Probably, she is just like my brother and sister and don't realize that it is a break of isolation.

Yes, our animals sleep a lot. It is their primary occupation.


  1. Truly difficult times - the world over.
    I do hope that your safety had not been compromised. And envy the comfortable house animals.

  2. My cat and dog sleep a lot too, although my dog Bounce and I patrol the neighborhood on our walks twice a day. Are you going to chime in and tell your aunt to isolate? Maybe one more opinion will make her decide to be more safe.

  3. hello cheese! sorry but I have forgotten your puppy's name. you can say something to auntie, but she will most likely ignore you.
