Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Quiet Day

I want to apologize to those who weren't able to see my pictures in the previous post. I wrote the post using Microsoft Edge as my browser. It seems that Blogger has developed an aversion to Edge. I do long for the day when I didn't have to be so mindful of what browser I was using. Though admittedly, they all pretty bad back then.

I have been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of days. Yesterday I just chalked it up to being a hypochondriac. I spent the weekend possibly exposing myself to Ground Zero in the US for Corona Virus and my mind was playing tricks on me. Today I know that it isn't so much the case. Arthritis is kicking my butt today. It isn't so much in one joint like it tends to like to do, but is an all over body experience. I'm feeling a bit like the Tin-Man with a good dose of fatigue to boot. Since these are not the symptoms of Covid-19, I am not so concerned. While we were in Snohomish at the tea apothecary, I picked up some arthritis and allergy tea. I'm having a cup while I'm typing this. I wonder if it will work because I think it might. Probably not. My arthritis has been around the block for most of my life. It can't be fooled by much. Still, the tea is quite nice. It's a bit sweet and has a hint of spearmint.

I wish I could put my faith in herbal medicines. I've lost all it in regular medicine. The ones that cure one thing will kill you for a different reason. Aspirin works well on aches and pains but eats the lining of your stomach and stresses your kidneys, that sort of thing. But then, if herbal medicines had been all that effective, modern medicines wouldn't have been invented. Then again, I have no idea what is in this tea I bought. Willow bark might be it's main ingredient, or something else. Foxglove anyone?

Karen tells me that snow is predicted for Saturday. My bones are telling me the same thing.


  1. Good luck.
    I can remember reading a book which said that there is no such thing as 'side effectt'. It went on to say that they are all effects, just some you want more than others. A lot more. At least one of my current crop of medications has the effect of increasing my chance of getting a whole range of cancers and/or liver failure. Sigh.

  2. I totally get the pain of arthritis. We are currently in a cycle of decent weather perfect for WI maple syrup gathering and cooking!
    In our area things are starting to take shape in response to the Coronavirus. Nursing Homes are closed to any visitors. School trips cancelled, field trips cancelled. These could be some frightening times.

  3. Thank you for the comment on my blog! Good to hear that you are a cancer survivor! It is a tough fight. Stay safe in that ground zero Corona Virus area!

  4. Aching joints and not aching muscles? No fever? Good. Hope you stay healthy but stay away from the foxglove, it contains digitalis which slows your heart down.
