One thing that I have learned about myself from the past 5 years of living alone is that left to myself, I become lazy, slovenly and unkept. Sorry if that truth is too much to bear, but it the truth. I have spent entire weeklong vacations in my pajamas and without bathing. Armed with this self revelation I know that going forward I'm going to have to exert some self discipline and control. So I have decided that on this journey into retirement there has to be a code of conduct for the road.
1. I may not stay up all night piddling away the mid-night oil playing games on Facebook. Bed time is no later than mid-night.
2. My face must be washed and my teeth must be brushed before I go to bed.
3. I may not sleep the day away (See rule 1). I must be up and ready to go no later than 10:00 am every day regardless of having anywhere to go.
4. I must shower and brush my teeth every morning. Hair must be washed no less than twice a week.
5. I must change out of my bed clothes and into clean day clothes every day.
6. I must wear my compression sleeve.
7. I must make my bed every morning.
8. Breakfast must be made and eaten no later than noon every day. .
9. Dishes must be washed and put away at every meal.
10. I must accomplish at least one indoor chore every single day.
I know that these seem very basic. But as I said, I have a tendency to not expect much of myself when I don't have a reason to be presentable. It's shameful enough when it's for a short duration such as a holiday, but not at all an acceptable way to conduct myself on a daily basis.
Actually my rules are fairly lenient. I'd expect more out of a five year old.
So, I'm off to play.
Ta ta for now...