Monday, March 23, 2020

I Went to Church

I went to Woodstock Community Church yesterday. The picture to the left was taken before I left Georgia last year. This morning there were no congregants in the sanctuary. The worship team consisted of an angel voiced mother of three who sang and played the guitar, my cousin who played the bongo drum and hosted the podcast., his son who filmed and one of our lead pastors. Other than them, there was no one in the building. And they were spread across the stage from one another. They were careful not to touch. I used to run the lights and video for the church. I am used to being in there long before anyone but the band and pastors are. That the sanctuary was empty did not feel all that odd to me. At the same time, being back there through the screen of my computer was very surrealistic. More so because of the reason that everyone is attending church from home. It feels like real life has become some ill written apocalyptic reality show. Suddenly, we are all on Big Brother and there is no where to go if you get kicked off the show. But yesterday morning, in a familiar place, with my people, it was very comforting.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Aunt Edith Refuses to Isolate

Well, the animals are all making themselves comfortable for the duration of the isolation. But not all is well. I don't think my brother and sister are getting the idea. Both of them work in critical industries and therefore are still working. Considering that two of us have pensions and social security, I wonder at the fairness that we still have employment income when there are many who are just out of work. But the jobs were had, and needed before the crisis and will be after, so here we are. No good comes from questioning blessings I suppose. But the normalcy of their routines has them in a bit of complacency. It was normal to stop at the grocery stores on the way home from work to pick up this and that and they are continuing to do it. I look at it and think that it has to stop, maybe I should say something. There is nothing that we are out of at the moment that we have an overwhelming need to make a run to a most likely germ riddled store to obtain. Once a week might seem reasonable, once a month if we could do it, but not everyday. The work, grocery store, home routine needs to become the work, home routine. Saying that is one thing, but the implementing of it is another. They aren't willfully trying to be errant. In their minds, they are allowed to go to the grocery. Getting them to see that it's not a thing of can you go, but should you go is the issue.

So this morning I woke up to a message from a cousin to let me know that my aunt, who lives all the way across the country has "Refused to Isolate" herself. She and her other octogenarian friends are gathering in her home to watch the church service that is being broadcast via YouTube. What are you going to do? They are old ladies with DNR's who are choosing to storm the gates of Heaven I guess. It is likely that they will be refused treatment in a few weeks if they do manage to infect each other, according to the trajectory that this country is going in anyway. My cousin thinks that my brother, sister and I should join the outcry and tell Aunt Edith to isolate. Aunt Edith will tell us that she's old enough to do whatever the hell she wants. Mind our own business, thank you very much. Probably, she is just like my brother and sister and don't realize that it is a break of isolation.

Yes, our animals sleep a lot. It is their primary occupation.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Last Road Trip

The weather was beautiful this morning, crisp, but warm. It was the perfect early spring day. Yesterday the governor all but stated that he was considering a shelter in place order.  We are sure that it is coming, and soon. Everyone is panicking on that idea. They need to stock up so they can be comfortable at home for an undetermined amount of time.  I had been listening to Covid-19 news since I had gotten up and was considering a brisk ride on my bike. My head exploded days ago and I'm at the point where I'm not processing what just happened anymore. Karen came into my bedroom and asked if I'd like to ride around while she did some errands. I really did want to get out, so I tagged along. A few minutes into the ride, she stated that she really wasn't feeling like doing  errands today. She wanted to know if I would like to drive through the passes. She didn't have to ask twice. That seemed so much more welcome than hanging out in a car in a parking lot in Tacoma.

The Cascades through the pass are absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. Despite the reality that we would have no shops or restaurants to visit, the drive was worth it for the views alone. The beauty was overwhelming. The best part of learning geography in school was learning about how the different features of an area were formed. I'd studied how the two Teutonic plates off the Pacific coast we re pushing against each other causing the Cascades to rise out of the earth and causing earthquakes and volcano's. Learning about it was cool to my nerdy heart. But seeing it? Oh my, oh my! It is absolutely incredible. When I was flying to Seattle and saw them through the plane window I audibly said, "Oh my God!" over and over. I'm sure the people sitting by me thought that I was the luniest toon they'd ever encountered. But the beauty and the vastness of the mountains and the valleys is stunning.  While I was blessed to see them from a plane and the comfort of a personal car on a well paved highway, I consider what Lewis and Clark must have experienced when they came on these giants after making their way across the country. Or considering the pioneers who made their way across them with a oxen and wagon and step by step. Those were some grimly determined people. They must have be both awestruck and overwhelmed with the task of climbing through them, but they persevered. I wondered at the overpowering tasks that faced them every day.

We ended up in Roslyn, which is pretty close to the center of the state. If you don't recognize the mural on the building in the first picture, it was in the opening shots of the show Northern Exposure that aired, I believe in the 1990's. While the show aired it was my favorite show of the week, the one that I made sure too never missed an episode.  It was about a fictional town in Alaska called Cicely. The town is in actuality a touristy kind of place outside of a State Park, and because of the series, a cult destination of it's own. But today because it was the last day of winter and off season, not to mention the middle of the week, we did not expect crowds. When you add to it the shops, stores, restaurants, bars, theaters, etc were all closed the town was really deserted. I felt so lucky to be out of doors. I felt so lucky to be in a place I never dreamed that I'd see, or beauty that I didn't really quite fathom was there. I was just damned happy to be able to stroll around town.

The way home was equally as stunningly beautiful but my mind was filled to the brim with the world that we were in, the possibility that this would be my last outing, at least for a very long time. All my life I have read about the shocking beginnings of dystopian societies. I'd read about Anne Frank, Corrie Ten Boom and others who woke up one morning and  the world they were living in was a threatening and eerily frightening. I'd read Issac Asimov. I read  apocalyptic books, Christian, Pagan and secular alike. I have read books about pandemics, nuclear blasts, wars and acts of God that have in one day changed the course of the whole world. It feels like that is what has happened. A couple of weeks ago China was experiencing yet another outbreak from open markets. Like Ebola for the most part, it was an "over there" type event. UPS had a communications file that represented a full year of work dedicated to what would happen if  that kind of crisis should spread globally. It had never been used. It was the thing of books and movies, of Chicken Littles who ran around decrying the falling sky. Now it seems to be our reality. Industries that promote social gathering have been ordered to close. Churches are closed. People are ordered to stay in their homes. We think we my be told that soon. That is why our outing was so good, even if limited.  Two of my three children will go bankrupt. They work in the service sector. Everyone is living under threat of contracting a terrifying disease. This feels unreal. It's hard to fathom now. In a week or too, I'm sure that I will be wishing to go back to the naivety that I am currently living in.

I hope that you are safe, well stocked and staying healthy. I learned to hate the term "New Reality" when I had cancer. It is no less odious now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Quiet Day

I want to apologize to those who weren't able to see my pictures in the previous post. I wrote the post using Microsoft Edge as my browser. It seems that Blogger has developed an aversion to Edge. I do long for the day when I didn't have to be so mindful of what browser I was using. Though admittedly, they all pretty bad back then.

I have been feeling a bit under the weather for the past couple of days. Yesterday I just chalked it up to being a hypochondriac. I spent the weekend possibly exposing myself to Ground Zero in the US for Corona Virus and my mind was playing tricks on me. Today I know that it isn't so much the case. Arthritis is kicking my butt today. It isn't so much in one joint like it tends to like to do, but is an all over body experience. I'm feeling a bit like the Tin-Man with a good dose of fatigue to boot. Since these are not the symptoms of Covid-19, I am not so concerned. While we were in Snohomish at the tea apothecary, I picked up some arthritis and allergy tea. I'm having a cup while I'm typing this. I wonder if it will work because I think it might. Probably not. My arthritis has been around the block for most of my life. It can't be fooled by much. Still, the tea is quite nice. It's a bit sweet and has a hint of spearmint.

I wish I could put my faith in herbal medicines. I've lost all it in regular medicine. The ones that cure one thing will kill you for a different reason. Aspirin works well on aches and pains but eats the lining of your stomach and stresses your kidneys, that sort of thing. But then, if herbal medicines had been all that effective, modern medicines wouldn't have been invented. Then again, I have no idea what is in this tea I bought. Willow bark might be it's main ingredient, or something else. Foxglove anyone?

Karen tells me that snow is predicted for Saturday. My bones are telling me the same thing.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Nature Doing It's Best

 It was raining on Saturday morning. The mountain was hiding in the clouds. But Karen told a friend that we'd go to the grand re-opening of her store. She has operated an upscale antique store called "Home Expressions for years. She first opened it in Everett. It did well there for years, but the woman she was renting the storefront from decided that she could manage a store like that. She decided to not extend Nicole's lease to open one of her own. So Nicole opened the store in Everett Mall. It just wasn't the right environment for a small antique shop. People who shop in malls want big chain stores. They want World Market, not a mom and pop. And people looking for antiques aren't heading to the mall. Nicole actually had people treating her antiques like it was a garage sale. It's a great store, but the wrong environment.

The first time that I was in there, I found this beautiful carved frame. She sells very trendy hand thrown pottery, upscale antique furniture and decorations. That kind of shop really needs to be in a storefront in an arts and crafts district. She needs customers who know the value of her inventory, not ones who are there to look for a new pair of Toms. Luckily Nicole was able to find a store in Snohomish to lease. It is an artsy area with great dining and nice shops all around. After spending some time and money with Nicole we visited the tea apothecary and the fudge shop. There were several antique and book stores that we went into. I would have liked to stay longer, but Karen wanted to get home. I'm hoping that she will take Nicole's offer to host us for a weekend during the tulip festival. It would be a nice get away.

It had stopped raining while we were there and on the way home I still looked for the mountain. It still wanted to hide under the clouds. It amazes me how this mountain can hide. On a rainy day it is completely covered in clouds. You wouldn't know it's there. But it doesn't need a rainy day to hide. On a sunny day, if the sky is a pale blue the mountain blends in and I will be looking right at it without noticing that it's there. It's not a small mountain. It towers over the Cascades. When it's not hiding or blending into the hues of the sky it can be seen from hundreds of miles away. And when it does blend, I can't see it from the 40 miles that I am from it.

After risking viral death to encourage a friend on Saturday, Sunday was the youngest of the Three Little Kitten's birthday. Her mother didn't mention to her that she was going to have a party. It was a good thing because none of her classmates are allowed to go to parties right now. So Carlie decided that she'd invite the adults that help her care for The Kittens. It was a small gathering, but Kitten 3 was happy to have a cake and presents to open. I wonder how many kids this year will remember this as the year they didn't have a birthday party. It's sad really. And kind of silly. Kids aren't getting sick like adults are. I suppose it is a good idea to not test that limit though.

Last night after we got home we noticed the beautiful full moon. The picture isn't mine. I don't have the kind of camera that will work for that kind of photography. But the sky was so bright. I put the shades in my room down so I could sleep. When I got up this morning, I was sad that I'd done that and not let the pretty light in, even  though it would have kept me from sleeping well. Tonight the moon is supposed to be as pretty. I think I will risk my sleep to see it.

Friday, March 6, 2020


I once had a counselor who encouraged me to describe how I was feeling in one word. Thinking about that today, the word I would come up with is windtossed. I know that it's not one word. Spelled out properly it is two, wind tossed. But it really explains how I feel, have felt for more than a year.

At the beginning of last year my apartment flooded, leaving me homeless. I stayed out as much time as I could living in a hotel paid for by my insurance company.  Then I spent a few months at my friend, Beverly's house as I prepared to retire my job and relocate across the country to live with my brother and sister. I moved here in June, leaving almost all my worldly possessions in a storage space in Georgia. I realize now, that I'm unlikely to ever go back to retrieve them. Still, the things that have mattered enough to bring along with me thus far are all in that compartment. It's not the kind of stuff that I am ready to put up on Craigslist.

But all of this has left me feeling listless, rootless. I feel like a tumbleweed that I saw blown around on the prairie in Oklahoma when I was young. Like something that has no roots.

I have spent a lot of time here trying to get various plants to root. I think it's a symptom of what I have been feeling. I've been successful with the plants for the most part. But I really haven't put much effort into getting my life to root here. I wonder if I feel like there isn't much point. I'm old. If I spend the energy to put roots here, they won't get very deep before I have to pull them all up again.

Agggh! I'm having such a pity party today.

In other news,  there is Coronavirus.

I'm going to get dressed, go take a walk or a spin on my bike. I need something new to think about.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Hiya Hiya Corona Virus and Flowers From My Sister's Garden

I have started the ridiculous scarf over again. In truth, I have started it over several times since last night. I finally have decided that I am not as inept as this pattern is making me out to be. I have been using the wrong needles (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) My go to needle is Knit Picks Sunstruck, which is a birch needle and not terribly pointy even for the size 2 needle. It is a really great needle in regards to warmth and molding to hands during knitting. But with this yarn, the needle has been repeatedly slipping down and instead of pushing through to the back of the loop, it pushes through the mother loop (or loop on the row directly below the one I want to knit). I decided that to amend this I need a sharper, more pointy needle. As luck has it, I have a nice pair of Hiya Hiya circulars. I'm not sure where I purchased them. I probably found them at Tuesday Morning, but I have had them forever. Unfortunately I have to give up a bit on the length of the cord. My Knit Picks have a 40 inch circular and the Hiya Hiya are only 32. Either is sufficient to knit a scarf, but I may have to resort to point protectors when I'm not actively knitting. They keep stitches from falling off the needles when not in use.

Hiya Hiya needles are an upscale btand. That is why I suspect that I purchased them at Tuesday Morning. I simply object to paying premium prices for just about everything. A lot of "professional" knitters prefer them. Knit Picks is a moderate priced set. You aren't going to see a knitting community guru on YouTube touting using them if he or she wants to impress anyone. But they are really nice needles. Just not the right one for this project. I need something that is going to poke into the space I want it to go into without me paying an undue amount of attention to it.

Also, I think my penchant for knitting by the light of my very dim Victorian lamp in the wee hours of the morning isn't helping much to get this project done and  looking somewhat acceptable. I prefer the dimmer lights in the evening, thinking that it will help me get to sleep. And I excuse not being able to see the item that I'm working on by thinking that I should be able to knit it from feel. Millennia's of women knitted in the evening by candle light, right? Yeah, I'm not as good as them. Daylight Savings Time begins next week. That should give me a few extra hours to knit with decent light. Oh well, I'll get it done eventually. Or it will be stuck in a bag and forgotten along with countless other projects I have going. I think that at some point I will need the needles and go finish a couple of them

In other new, it has been confirmed that the Coronavirus has come to King County. Since people have the virus two weeks before they show symptoms, I would guess that it has actually been here for a few weeks. The funny thing is that while we were in Panera yesterday a man stood right beside me as he sneezed without attempting to cover his mouth and nose. I joked that in the coming weeks actions like that will make him a pariah. Maybe I should have been a bit more concerned.

It seems that we should have been expecting a pandemic of some sort. It is historical that each century is ushered in with one. In 1817 the first Cholera Pandemic hit. It killed 150,000 people in the US. In 1918 the Spanish Flu killed 50 million people worldwide. We are right on target for another round of population culling infection. Not really surprising at all. I think the main difference is our ability to obtain global news and worry over it.

In happier news, Nora came over last night and brought us some spring flowers. One year when she was in high school she planted a bunch of spring bulbs for Karen as a Christmas gift. A few years later when Karen and Jim divorced, Karen was sad because she was leaving her flowers behind. Now every year Nora goes over and cuts them when they come up and brings them to her mother to enjoy. When her father objects, she tells him that he flowers were never for him in the first place. It makes Karen uncommonly happy to have them.   I wonder at the feasibility of helping Nora dig the bulbs up next fall and transplant them into flower boxes that we can have with us wherever we go. We don't have any plans to move from here in the near future. But eventually that will happen. I guess, assuming that we survive the pandemic.

An Afternoon Out

Yesterday I was talking to my sister when she got home from work, and told her that about my afternoon walk. I said I'd like to visit the local museum. I'd walked past it and noticed the hours and the very inexpensive price to get in. I haven't been in it. I thought it might be interesting. She said that a friend, Carol had called and requested that we meet her for coffee today, and that she'd agreed. With Carol a request is more of a summons. She doesn't really understand the word no. So, my trip to the museum has been put off. I may go there tomorrow.

This afternoon we met Carol at the bakery that she'd specified. When we got there we found it unsatisfactory. It was extremely crowded with young mothers and children. The place was so noisy that we couldn't hold a conversation and it was a bit of a mess. All employees were busy behind the counter waiting on customers and there was no one busing the tables. We didn't stay. Instead, we drove all the way across Kent to  the Panera's.  For a fast food chain, the food is decent, but Panera's has never been on my top ten list of places to eat. Dining out here is a bit on the pricey side. It is usual to pay the same price for a meal at a fast food place here as I would pay to eat at an upscale restaurant in Atlanta. I suppose that is why I tend to have melt-downs over it. It makes it a bit of a pill to swallow when I;m visiting fast food chains. But the food was decent and I did enjoy seeing Carol. It was an okay outing. Probably more enjoyable than the museum that will still be there  tomorrow.

The bakery we started out at was near some shops that we'd planned on visiting. Since we'd changed location we were no longer near them. Karen did offer to drive back across town. But it seems a bit silly. We decided to visit St. Vincent de Paul's and Fred Meyer's that was on our way home instead.

Here in Auburn, we have two St. Vincent de Paul;s. One we have frequented a few times looking for furniture. It only has that and appliances there. The other carries everything else that is donated. I had never been in it. For a thrift store, it is a thrift store. Not really much to write home about. It does have a lot of books that I didn't take the time to browse through. The store is within biking distance. I will make my way back over there when I don't have my sister with me. She doesn't have as much patience for shopping as I do. Mostly, she wants to run in and grab something, then run right out when she has found it. Thrift stores take me a bit more to work to find out what's in them than that.

She found a shirt that she likes a lot, I found a frame. Well, I kind of think that it's a frame. It may be a framed print. I really kind of like it as it is. Cross stitch has become an expensive hobby, but the real expense is in framing the work after it's complete. I have been looking for nice frames at thrift stores for future projects. This one was being sold for $4. But the tag had a red mark on it and today was the day the items with red tags were half off. So it would have cost me $2 for the frame. But, senior citizens get a 10% discount so the frame came to $1.80. Then I got it home and the print, though it is a bit dated, looks nice in my room. I may just hang it and find another frame for cross stitch. I've opened the back to find the the print is signed, numbered and dated. It may mean that it is valuable. But it may mean that someone is using the technique to make the print appear valuable. The bottom line for me is that I like it. And if it really is a Walmart item that some one is glorifying, I only paid $1.80 for it. I wasn't taken advantage of. I wonder if I could copy the butterfly shield in cross stitch and replace just the center. I have time to think about it.

After the thrift store we went to Fred's and I was able to get out of the store without spending too much. I thought about getting a corned beef for St. Patrick's day. But I decided to wait and see if they'd go on sale. My sister says they usually do. Karen stopped by the Girl Scout table in lobby on the way out. The cookies are selling for $5 a box here. Considering that there is only 20 cookies in a box, that is one pricey box of cookies. But I think that I was paying $6 a box for them in Georgia. I'm trying to slow down on sugar and don't really think the cookies are all that special. I didn't buy any.

It rained after we got home or I may have gone out for a walk. It isn't much of an excuse really. I have a rain coat, umbrella and rain boots. I am just a wimp and wanted to spend the afternoon knitting. One of the items that I have been working on is a simple garter stitch triangular scarf. It is inspired by the shawl that Claire Fraser has been wearing on Outlander this season. It is the most simple of mindless knits imaginable. I'm sure that someone will write out the obvious pattern and sell it on Ravelry as if it is in anyway possible that other knitters can't figure it out on their own. But I keep making stupid, sophomoric mistakes like dropping stitches, mostly dropping stitches.  Seriously, you'd think that I was knitting while intoxicated. No such luck, only knitting while watching YouTube and Sister Wives. Tonight I took a look at the sad state that it was in and decided that I'm unlikely to wear a scarf with as many mistakes in it and tore it all the way out. It's better to begin again and have something that I'm not ashamed of. I had knitted though about half of the dark teal skein and this is now all I have to show for it. The contrast yarn is left over from the socks that I knit a few weeks ago. I think it pairs well together. Hopefully this will be an exercise of concentration and determination for me and I will someday have a scarf to show for it. I'm really annoyed with myself that I am having so much trouble with this. It only employs the most basic of basic skills. I could just work on the new socks I'm doing. But I'm getting a bit bored with socks too.

Pippi Longstockings is sleeping on my bed tonight and every once in a while lifts her head to complain at me. She is the most feral of all our cats. It makes her a fantastic mouser, but kind of a bitch at the same time. If she's not in the mood, she'd rather bite you than look at you. For some reason, she's taken up with me over the past few weeks. Now she's taken to crying and pouting when I don't do her bidding. Right now, she wants me to blow the candles out and go to bed. How did I ever survive making my own decisions for so many years? Who knew I needed a cat to parent me?

Friday, February 28, 2020

Almost Like Spring

Last weekend we had an incredible storm. I woke up on Sunday morning with wind and rain pounding my windows so hard that they were actually bowing in a bit. It reminded me of the tropical storms that used to hit when I lived on the beach in Hollywood, Florida in my late teens. Then the storm blew threw and we've actually had a fairly nice week to follow. Today though, it was perfect. The sky was sunny. The air was warm, with just a bit of a nip to it, and it smelled so good. It would have been sinful to waste such a beautiful early spring day sitting inside. I've done way too much of that in my life. This afternoon was not one to be missed. So I slipped on my light coat and went for a walk. I felt positively silly wearing a coat. I should have left it at home, but the weather changes on a dime here. I was afraid that the slight nip my become more of a bite by the time I headed home. That didn't happen. Wearing a coat was ridiculous. The weather was wonderful. Even with the lovely blooms on the trees, I know that this is only fools spring. Real spring is still a month or more off. It will get cold and wet again. If I were "home", which is what I have starting calling Woodstock in my thoughts, I'd be wrapping up in quilts and drinking hot drinks. They are experiencing a late winter snow. Better that I am here.

My, oh my, what the weather is doing around the world. I have heard that it is flooding in a lot of really diverse places. It seems like much of Great Britain and Iran are under water. And in Australia, after all those fires, they are now flooding in Queensland and New South Wales. My heart goes out to everyone effected by it. It was bad enough for me last year when I was the only one experiencing it. At least every where else I went was dry and clean. It must be horrible for the whole area around you to be affected.

And do we have pandemic?  A few years ago I was living in Atlanta when the Ebola patients were treated at the CDC. I had an echo scheduled at Emory Hospital while they were there. Then they called me back to do a PET/CT scan. On the third day I was called in first thing in the morning to have an Angiogram. Three days in a row I was asked to go to the hospital that the patients were being treated at, and have an invasive procedure on one of them. The part of the hospital where the patients were was quarantined, but the hospital stayed open and working. But now, here, for Coronavirus places are getting closed down. A teacher at one of the local high schools attended a wedding where someone else got sick. They have closed the school to disinfect it. I don't think anyone actually was sick at that school. Man, they are taking this thing seriously. I'm enough of a hermit that I don't think I'm a prime candidate to get it. But then, the Three Kittens are all in school and they come here at least once a month. I wonder if this is the next world plague, or Y2K scare. When I was a kid in 5th or 6th grade a teacher asked where the best place to be when an atomic bomb dropped. I think she was going for an answer like "In a fallout shelter" or "Under your desk". I answered, "Underneath where it lands." The amount of trouble that answer got me into taught me why it is never wise to be honest with teachers. But it is how I feel about world wide disasters. You have to consider what you will be living in a worst case scenario. Some things aren't worth surviving. I've given up political commentary for Lent, so that is why you aren't seeing any of that here.

I finally decided that it was time to start taking care of myself, and got a hair cut. It's not a great picture, but it's the only one I have right now. The lighting isn't great. I'm surprised at how much the quality of my hair has changed over the past year. I've had quite a lot of hair loss and re-growth. What is growing back in is courser than it used to be. I can almost sculpt it to into shape without any product on it. It seems that the color changed too. My hair has been gray for a while, but after getting 11+ inches cut off, the hair that is left seems really white now. I'm enjoying the more manicured effect. It makes me feel better about how I looked.

I've managed to get finish a cross-stitch project. It's supposed to be a book cover, but I may put it in a carved wooden frame that I bought around Christmas. I made some mistakes that caused me to do a huge improvisation on the piece, but I'm very happy with the way that it came out. It was a very satisfying small project to do. I'm afraid that small projects are going to be the order of the day. I had forgotten how incredibly slow and knit-picky that cross-stich can be. It really takes a lot of patience. And unlike knitting, I can't read or watch TV while doing it. There are no mindless stretches. Stitch counts have to be exact. That's why I made some errors in it that caused the changes I had to make to the sampler.

I finished the pair of socks that matched my sweater and gave them to my niece. I had started them for her anyway. Then she complimented them. I felt that I had to give them to her after that. Now I am experimenting with the socks again. I went down on the stitch count and shortened to the toe and foot portion by an inch to see if the sock would fit better after it stretched with wearing. This time I'm using a different yarn. Both yarns are supposed to be the same size, but there is a huge difference in the socks. The sock I'm making now is thicker and chunkier. I really love the yarn. But I bought it on close-out and a Tuesday Morning in Georgia a few years ago. It isn't made anymore. I can find a few skeins left on the web, but they aren't in colors that I want or cost more than I want to pay for it. I'm just going to have to savor the yarn I have now and realize that another favorite yarn will show up. I really enjoy sewing, and I'm pretty decent at it for someone who is basically self taught. A few generations ago, my grandmothers were able to make a fairly decent living as seamstresses. I think it's sad that the opportunity to do that doesn't really exist anymore. For the most part, hand sewing is a hobby, and not one held in great esteem. Who knows, maybe making it a profession would take all the joy out of it anyway.

It's late, actually very early morning. I need to get to bed. I hope this day finds you well.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dreamy Sunflower Wedding | Jake & Jess | Full Film

I was vegging out on YouTube and look what I found. Jess is Mollie's joined at the hip for life friend since high school. The beautiful woman giving the toast and talking about meeting giants is my Mollie. The film isn't long, but it is a great story. Some of it, if you've been reading my blog for a while you've read about. Enjoy ;o)